What a difference donations of all amounts can make! Sixty-seven generous individuals contributed a total of $51,870 towards our 28th Annual Appeal. Wow. Thank you! These donors, and all donors to The Foundation, make a difference in our community; they help change the lives of the people who are our neighbors.
Month: January 2025
Annual Appeal Ends on a High Note
Over $946,000 Awarded in Grants

On Wednesday, January 8, the Community Foundation of the Dan River Region (CFDRR) awarded $946,433 in grants during a reception held at Ballou Park Recreation Center. Sixty-four nonprofit agencies in the region were the recipients of The Foundation’s 2024-25 Competitive Grant Cycle.
“One of the highlights of the year at The Community Foundation is our annual grant reception,” said Steve Bass, President of the Board of Directors. “This event is exciting for two key reasons: first, it brings our donors’ visions to life through the incredible work of the nonprofit organizations receiving support. Second, it allows us to witness firsthand the meaningful impact of the funds we steward, transforming lives and strengthening our community.”
The Foundation awards grants in the following areas: emergency preparedness, animal services, arts & culture, community development, health and wellness, education and youth, community development, human services, and scholarships. The 2024-25 Competitive Grant Cycle funding is derived from the following funds:
- Community Impact Fund (unrestricted funds): Anderson Endowment Fund, Buck-Wayland Fund, Clarence Giles Fund, D. Webster, Jr., and Elizabeth S. Marshall Fund, Opportunity Fund, Elizabeth (Betty) W. Jefferson Fund, Faith Home Endowment Fund, Harry Melton Hood Fund, James A. and Ann V. Robertson Fund, Sater Fund, Swanson Fund and the Unrestricted Community Fund;
- Field of Interest Funds: Free Clinic of Danville Fund, Stratford House Fund, Daniel Fund, Lady Bug Fund, Mary Neil Literacy Fund, Faye Carter Fund, W. Earl and Elise M.G. Allen Fund, Animal Welfare Fund, Mary Cahill Historic Preservation Fund, Ahmed Children’s Fund, and the Laurie S. Moran Rotary Service Fund;
- Donor Advised Funds: Gamewood Technology Fund, Irving H. and Louise Hambrick Scarce Animal Welfare Fund, P. Niles and Carol Daly, Jr. Fund, Philip and Frances Daly Fund, Helen and Webb Maddux Fund, and Audrey F. Millner and H. Victor Millner, Jr. Fund; and
- Pass Through Funds from the Danville Regional Foundation Fund.
“Our distribution committee takes their job very seriously because they know how great the need of each organization is,” said CFDRR’S Executive Director Dan Hayes. “We are thrilled to be able to fund these 64 projects. We look forward to seeing the positive impact each organization makes as the projects are completed.”
The organizations awarded grants from the various funds listed above are below, set a part by category. A complete listing of organizations, grant amounts and purposes may be found at https://www.cfdrr.org/grants/2025-competitive-grant-reception-program/.
Animal Services
Animal Protection Society of the Northern Piedmont, Inc.
Fine Whines and Lickers
SPCA of Pittsylvania County
Arts & Culture
Caswell Council for the Arts
Danville Area Choral Arts Society
Danville Concert Association
Danville Historical Society
Danville Museum of Fine Arts and History
Danville Symphony Orchestra
Smokestack Theatre Company
Community Development
Caswell County Parks and Recreation
Danville Neighborhood Development Corporation
Danville-Pittsylvania County Habitat for Humanity
Milton Preservation and Beautification Society, Inc.
The Garden Club of Danville
Third Chance Housing
Westmoreland Neighborhood Organization
Health & Wellness
American Red Cross of Blue Ridge Virginia
Cascade School Community Center
Compassion Health Care
Danville Pittsylvania Cancer Association, Inc.
Danville Speech and Hearing
Make-A-Wish Greater Virginia
The Doorways
Victory Junction
Education & Youth
Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Danville Area
Blue Ridge Mountains Council (Boy Scouts of America)
Boys and Girls Clubs of Danville Area
Caswell County Partnership for Children
Community Improvement Council, Inc. Head Start
Dan River Basin Association
Danville Church and Community Tutorial Program
Danville Science Center, Inc.
Girl Scouts of Virginia Skyline
Good Hope Equestrian & Regenerative Farm, Inc.
Kentuck Elementary School PTO
Piedmont Community College Foundation
PPL Foundation
Reach Out and Read, Inc.
Second Chance Outreach Ministries, Inc.
Southside Area Tennis Association
United Way of Danville-Pittsylvania County
Human Services
Changing Lives Outreach Center CDC
City of Danville Parks and Recreation
City of Danville Social Services
Danville Pittsylvania Community Services
Fairview Church
God’s Storehouse
Grace A Lot, Inc.
Northern Pittsylvania County Food Center
Second Harvest Food Bank of Northwest North Carolina
Southern Area Agency on Aging
St. Luke’s United Methodist Church
The Caswell County Parish, Inc.
The Haven of the Dan River Region
The Salvation Army of Danville-Pittsylvania
Virginia Hunters Who Care, Inc.
Virginia Legal Aid Society
Emergency Services
Blairs Fire and Rescue
Casville Volunteer Fire Department
Climax Volunteer Fire Department, Inc.
Danville Life Saving and First Aid Crew, Inc.
Gretna Fire & Rescue
Providence Fire and Rescue, Inc.
The Community Foundation will begin accepting applications for the next Competitive Grant Cycle on June 1, 2025, for projects that will be funded and completed in 2026. Organizations are encouraged to begin contemplating projects for which they wish to apply for funding now.
Grant Cycle Opens for Three Funds
The Community Foundation’s Keokee Fund, the Autism Education Fund and the Arts and Cultural Fund grant application processes are open until Saturday, March 1, 2025.
The Keokee Fund provides opportunities for academically gifted students in the Dan River Region. Grant funds will be used to support organizations, schools, and classrooms serving academically gifted students in the surrounding area.
The Autism Education Fund supports autism education related programs or organizations for individuals, families, educators, and our community. Grant funds will be used to provide support to educators, supplement the costs of educational services, and promote autism awareness in the region.
The Arts and Cultural Fund enhances the quality of life in the region by supporting arts and culture within our local communities.
For more information about grants available and to apply, please click the link below, visit The Community Foundation office at 541 Loyal Street, Danville, VA, 24541, or call (434) 793-0884.