The Community Foundation of the Dan River Region featured stories of impact by donors and grant recipients at its Appreciation Luncheon held Thursday, November 7, 2013 at the Danville Golf Club.

Nearly 200 people attended the luncheon
Nearly 200 supporters heard from speakers representing three areas of The Community Foundation’s work – Give, Impact and Receive. Vic Millner shared how he established the Audrey Millner Fund and became a future bequest donor. Jeff Smith described his vision for the Veterinary Emergency Treatment Fund, and how it is already helping area pets and their families.
Steven Gould shared the impact of receiving a scholarship from the Community Foundation and how he has returned to the area. Special entertainment was provided by the Danville Junior String Quartet.
Debra Dodson, Executive Director, stated, “This is such a great opportunity for us to thank our many supporters. We thank them for proving that together we can truly make a difference. Through their support, this past year we have helped to save lives, given hope to college students, filled our community with music, and relieved much suffering.”
Some highlights of The Community Foundation’s impact this past year include: –
a) Receiving gifts of more than $1,025,000from hundreds of donors.
b) Awarding 76 scholarships of $125,000.
c) Presenting grants of more than $1 million to 118 area organizations.
d) Reached more than 3,000 individual donors in our giving history.
e) Received approval for recertification for National Standards for U.S. Community Foundations.
f) Hired Dahab & Associates as a new investment consultant after careful study and analysis.
Donors established 10 new funds under the Foundation’s umbrella for a total of 108 funds with total assets of $25,302,767 as of June 30, 2013. The Community Foundation has returned more than $16 million in grants and scholarships to the region since 1996.
New endowment funds began since July 1, 2012 include:
• William E. Barr Scholarship
• Boys & Girls Clubs Endowment Fund
• Disaster Relief Fund
• Susan L. Edwards Memorial Scholarship
• Juanita G. “Nita” Grant Fund
• Diane Marie Gross Scholarship
• Hokie Bird Scholarship
• Hospice Support Services Fund
• Peter and Jo Ann Howard L’Dor V’Dor Fund
• Rotary Club of Yanceyville Scholarship

Board President Lawrence McFall, Past President Androniki Fallis, and Fred Webb with J.T. Minnie Maude Charitable Trust
The Community Foundation’s mission is to improve and enrich the lives of people in our community by encouraging the generosity of donors. Donors may establish their own endowment fund to support particular areas of interest or may make unrestricted gifts to any existing fund.
For more information, contact the Community Foundation at 541 Loyal Street, Danville, VA 24541, (434) 793-0884 or visit their web site