DANVILLE,VA- The Community Foundation of the Dan River Region has awarded 104 scholarships totaling more than $245,000 to area students. Presentations from 51 different scholarship funds within The Community Foundation were made at a scholarship reception held June 9, 2019 at The Community Center in Chatham. The Community Foundation has awarded 1,157 scholarships totaling more than $2.5 million since its beginning in 1996.
The Adkerson-Dodson Special Education Scholarship was established in 2012 in memory of Elsie Carolyn Adkerson and in memory of Robert Edward Adkerson and Elsie Herndon Adkerson. The scholarship supports deserving Danville/Pittsylvania residents who have a need for financial support and who are pursuing an undergraduate degree or licensure in special education. Jordan Bennett (Averett University) received $955.
The William E. Barr Scholarship was established in 2013 in memory of William E. Barr. The scholarship supports Danville – Pittsylvania County graduates attending Hampden-Sydney College. Isaac Whitfield (Hampden-Sydney College) received $1,450.
The Bennett-Bushnell-Jones-Kaufman Scholarship was established in 2008 to provide scholarships to second-year nursing students at Danville Community College. Kennedy Cassell (Danville Community College) received $1,945.
The Deputy Frankie Lynn Betterton Scholarship was established in 2012 in memory of Deputy Sherriff Frankie Lynn Betterton who was shot and killed while making a traffic stop on May 17, 2002. The scholarship is for Danville/Pittsylvania residents who have a financial need and who are pursuing a law enforcement career. Breanna Mell (Chatham High School) received $875.
The Robert R. Blackwell & Virginia M. Blackwell Scholarship was established in 2018 by the estate of Judge Robert R. Blackwell. The scholarship is for Bartlett Yancey High School graduates, with a preference for those attending Mars Hill University or Wake Forest University. Kaleigh Graffton (Bartlett Yancey High School) received $840.
The James W. Bryant, Sr. and James T. Collie Scholarship was established in 2005 by a retired school teacher. The scholarship is for Pittsylvania County Public Schools graduates, with a preference for those pursuing education or nursing. Taliah Chatten (Gretna High School) received $2,500, Kelsey Edmunds (Averett University) received $2,500, Morgan Jones (Averett University) received $2,500, and Ellery Moorefield (Gretna High School) received $2,500.
The Bernard C. Calvert Scholarship was established in 2004 by the Brosville Council #51 of the Junior Order of United American Mechanics. The scholarship is restricted to Tunstall High School graduates, preferably students who attended either Brosville or Stony Mill Schools. Anna Catherine Kueng (University of Lynchburg) received $1,000, and Charles Setliff (Tunstall High School) received $1,000.
The Lawrence R. Dabbs Scholarship was established in 2017 by the estate of George Earl Dabbs who wished to create an endowed scholarship fund to benefit Caswell County high school graduates in memory of his brother, Lawrence R. Dabbs. A scholarship in the amount of $930 was presented to Doniel Bullock (Bartlett Yancey High School).
The John Watson Daniel Scholarship was established by the JWD Retirement Club in 1997. A scholarship in the amount of $985 was presented to Bennet Tambellini (Virginia Commonwealth University)
The Steven Bruce Daniels, Jr. Scholarship was established in 2014 in memory of Steven Bruce Daniels, Jr. This scholarship is for Danville, Pittsylvania or Caswell county graduates attending either NC State University or Virginia Tech and plans to study in the field of agriculture (primary) or with a high school varsity athletics background (secondary). This scholarship is renewable. Georgia Daniel (George Washington High School), Brent Jones (North Carolina State University), Macon Maxey (Virginia Tech), and Andrew Ward (North Carolina State University) each received $5,000.
The Danville Academic Boosters Club Scholarship is awarded to the top five scholastic students in the Danville Public School system. The following students received scholarships – Grace Holland (George Washington High School) received $575, Megan Padgett (George Washington High School) received $475, Emma Byrnes (George Washington High School) received $325, Jacob Black (George Washington High School) received $250 and Jenita Theodore (Galileo Magnet High School) received $200.
The Danville Lions Foundation was established in 2016 to provide scholarships to Danville- Pittsylvania and Caswell County high school graduates who are pursuing a health related profession with a preference for those in a graduate level of study, especially those studying sight and speech/hearing professions. Tanner Cooke (University of Lynchburg School of Graduate Studies) received $1,495, Taylor Jones (University of Lynchburg School of Graduate Studies) received $1,650, Ram Leandro Madejas (Hampton University) received $2,200, Mason Moorefield (Longwood University) received $2,000 and Lauren Yoder (Campbell University) received $2,000.
The Danville Regional Medical Center Auxiliary/Volunteers Scholarship was established in 2007 for Danville Regional Medical Center employees, volunteers and their immediate families, who are studying a medical field. Grey Capozzoli (Averett University) received $2,175, Allison Davis (Averett University) received $2,175, Jack Garrett, III (Virginia Commonwealth University) received $2,175, Katie Scarce (Averett University) received $2,175 and Conner Weaver (Virginia Tech) received $2,175.
The Roy L. and Mary G. Doss Scholarship was established in 2010 to benefit graduating seniors of Danville or Pittsylvania County. This scholarship is renewable. The following students received $5,500 each – Christene Buchanan (University of Virginia), Joshua Buckley (University of Virginia), Caitlyn Carter (Chatham High School), Che-Rui Horng (University of Virginia), Morgan Mitchell (Old Dominion University), Victoria Puryear (Chatham High School), Cameron Rigney (James Madison University), Fabian Shelton (Virginia Tech), Jacob Wageman (Gretna High School) and Makeda Warner (College of William & Mary).
The Susan L. Edwards Memorial Scholarship was established in memory of Susan L. Edwards in 2012. The scholarship is awarded to students pursuing the field of radiologic technology. Brittany Salas (SOVAH School of Health Professions) received $1,055.
One student received the John R. and Betty B. Eggleston Scholarship, established in memory of Dr. and Mrs. Eggleston in 2002. The scholarship was presented to Caleb Brinkley (Wake Forest University) in the amount of $900.
The Fairview United Methodist Church Scholarship was established in 2017 by Fairview United Methodist Church. This scholarship is awarded to students who are active members of the church. Kaitlyn Sage (Shenandoah University) received $1,100.
The First Responder-Hero Education Scholarship was established in 2013 to provide scholarships for Danville-Pittsylvania-Caswell County High School graduates whose parents are armed force members or veterans, law enforcement officers, or fulltime or volunteer firefighters, with a preference for graduates whose parents were killed or wounded while performing their duties. Aisha Jones (George Washington High School) received $2,400.
The Margaret Spruce Floyd Scholarship was established in memory of Mrs. Floyd and transferred to The Community Foundation in 2003. The scholarship is awarded to female high school students from Pittsylvania County. Makenzie Mitchell (Chatham High School) received $1,175 and Samantha Shelton (Radford University) received $1,065
The GW Class of 1957 Scholarship was established in 2007 to benefit George Washington High School students. The Class of 1957 created the scholarship for their 50th High School Reunion. Messiah Royster (George Washington High School) received $2,070.
The Gantsoudes Scholarship was established in 2008 to benefit George Washington High School students attending college in Virginia or North Carolina. AAnia Price (George Washington High School) received $2,085.
The Roy G. and Joan F. Gignac Scholarship was created in 2000 to benefit area students who may attend the Illinois Institute of Technology or pursue technical disciplines. Kyle Bailey (Liberty University) received $3,100, Justin Fuller (James Madison University) received $3,000, Landon Holley (Virginia Commonwealth University) received $3,000, Omni Hubbard (George Washington High School) received $3,500, Joshua Pettiford (Dan River High School) received $3,500, and Shane Tu (Old Dominion University) received $2,000.
The George A. Grekos Scholarship was established in2019 by Dr. Paul Grekos, in memory of his son, George. The scholarship is for Danville/Pittsylvania County graduates, with a preference for Chatham High School graduates, who attend Christopher Newport University. Kaylea Meadows (Chatham High School) received $1,000.
The Diane Marie Gross Scholarship was established with The Community Foundation in 2013. The scholarship is for Danville graduates attending Washington and Lee University or the College of William and Mary. William Jackson (Washington and Lee University) received $1,030.
The John B. Grubb Scholarship was established in 2007 in memory of Mr. Grubb to benefit Danville and Pittsylvania County Public School graduates. William Woods (Western Carolina University) received $900.
The Gail and Walter Gunn Scholarship was established in 2015. The scholarship is for local African American students with a preference for those studying business or with an entrepreneurial interest. Tamaia Williams (George Washington High School) received $950.
The Ray M. Harris Scholarship was created in memory of Mr. Harris and transferred to The Community Foundation in 2004. The scholarship gives primary consideration to Pittsylvania County High School graduates. Mark Moore (Columbia Southern University) received $2,100 and Timothy Smith, Jr. (Liberty University) received $2,500.
The Stuart Harris Drama Scholarship recognizes outstanding drama students in the Danville Public Schools. Blake Mitchell (James Madison University) received $1,295.
The Douglas Sager Hayes and Mildred “Mickey” Hayes Scholarship was established in 2013 to provide scholarships for Danville-Pittsylvania graduates studying art. Kelsei Niblett (George Washington High School), Harper Scollo (Averett University, Colby White (Dan River High School) and Heath Wood, Jr. (Galileo Magnet High School) each received $2,480.
The Eliza Patterson Hines Memorial Scholarship was established in 2014 to support local graduates pursuing a career in teaching, preferably in grades 1-7. Jordin Brown (Gretna High School) received $1,640.
The Hokie Bird Scholarship was established in 2013 to support Danville-Pittsylvania County graduates attending Virginia Tech. Dylan Haley (Virginia Tech) received $1,200 and Daniel Riddle (Virginia Tech) received $1,185.
The John L. Hurt, Jr. Scholarship supports students from Gretna High School, with a preference for students who have attended the John L. Hurt, Jr. Elementary School. India Patterson (Virginia Commonwealth University) received $2,360.
The Robert and Bernice Milam Scholarship was transferred to the foundation in 2010 from Third Avenue Congregational Christian Church to benefit its active members. Tyler Martin (Virginia Tech) received $7,500.
The Onnie H. & Bertie W. Milloway Scholarship benefits area students who attend Averett University. Scholarships were presented to current Averett students Katelyn Dewberry received $2,037, Makenna Harris received $2,036 and John Oakes received $2,036.
The Patrick H. Musick Scholarship was established to provide funding for deserving Averett University students who have a tennis-playing background. Tyler Goad (Averett University) was awarded $1,170.
The North Main Baptist Church Scholarship was established in 2016 for students who have been members of North Main Baptist Church for a minimum of one year. With a preference for those who are studying or plan to enter ministry-related fields, and have actively participated in North Main Baptist Church or college related ministries. Lucas Hess (Tunstall High School) and Taylor Moss (Chatham High School) each received $1,325.
The Arnold B. Porter & Elizabeth J. Porter Scholarship was established in 2006 for students who are members of Fairview United Methodist Church. Jonathan Yoder (Tunstall High School) received $3,735.
The Elizabeth Whitlow Reith Price/ R.N. Whitlow Family Nursing Scholarship was established in 2016 to support graduates of Bartlett Yancey High School who are pursing nursing or health related professions at an associate, bachelor, or graduate degree level of study. Jessica Long (Mary Baldwin University-Murphy Deming College of Health Sciences) and Rebecca Purcell (Bartlett Yancey High School) were each awarded $1,975.
The Irene L. Pritchett Scholarship was created years ago to benefit area African-American students. The Pritchett scholarship was transferred to The Community Foundation in 2001. Brianna Carter (Dan River High School), and Kellsey Carter (Galileo Magnet High School) were each awarded $2,000.
The Alger Pugh Memorial Scholarship was created in memory of Alger Pugh, GW High School football coach, after his death in 1984. The scholarship was then transferred to The Community Foundation and is given to deserving GW athletes, with a preference to GW Football players. Carl Poole and Carlos Poole (George Washington High School) each received $2,050.
The top 5 Gretna High School seniors were awarded the Richard Ramsey Scholarship. The Scholarship was created in memory of Mr. Ramsey, a Gretna High School teacher, many years ago and transferred to The Community Foundation in 2010. This scholarship was created to benefit Gretna High School students. Jonathan Hall received $1,375, Allison Osborne received $1,400, Faith Simpson received $1,375, Kathryn Thomas received $1,375 and Jacob Wageman received $1,375.
The Riddle-Francis Scholarship, which was created in 2005 by a former teacher to benefit Pittsylvania County students, with a preference for Tunstall and Dan River students. Aliyah Fitz (Dan River High School) was awarded $1,520 and Justin McCune (George Mason University) was awarded $1,425.
The Rotary Club of Yanceyville Scholarship was established in 2013 by the Rotary Club of Yanceyville for graduates of Bartlett Yancey High School. Alexis Paugh (Bartlett Yancey High School) received $1,435.
The Percy and Velna Scearce Scholarship was created in 2001 to benefit area students. Kaitlyn Brinkley (Radford University) received $1,850.
The Spiros Skenderis Memorial Scholarship was created by the Danville Bar Association in memory of Judge Spiros Skenderis. Judge Skenderis served as a compassionate judge of the Danville Juvenile and Domestic Relations District for 19 years. Alexis Watlington (George Washington High School) received $4,250.
The Eileen and Joseph Stendig Scholarship was created in 2005 to benefit area students. Marcus DeShazor (George Washington High School) and Madison Webb (Galileo Magnet High School) each received $3,540.
The Louise P. Surles Scholarship supports area students who attend the University of Virginia. Cassandra Bravo-Rodriguez (George Washington High School) and Leah Talbott (Westover Christian Academy) were each awarded $1,750.
The Tunstall
Academic Boosters Scholarship was transferred to The Community Foundation in 2017 by Dr.
Albert Payne and Mrs. Sandra Payne to provide scholarships to the top students
graduating from Tunstall High
School. Tunstall students Jessica
Durand, Marisa Kott and Kacey Martin were each awarded $300.
The Florence P. Wagner and Jennie Lee Wagner Scholarship was established in 2008 to provide scholarships to Pittsylvania County high school graduates. Gregory Shelton (James Madison University) was awarded $1,580.
The Andy Warren Memorial Scholarship was created in memory of GW High School assistant football coach and is given to deserving GW athletes. Carl Poole and Carlos Poole (George Washington High School) each were awarded $2,300.
The Woodlawn Academy Scholarship was established in 2014 to provide scholarships for former Woodlawn Academy students and immediate family of former students. Kaitlyn Lipscomb (University of Virginia) received $2,225 and Laura Reaves (Virginia Tech) received $2,225.