(DANVILLE, VA ) – The Community Foundation of the Dan River Region is pleased to announce a new fund titled the Hart Street Fund. Established earlier this summer by long time Danville area resident Gregg Mason, the Hart Street Fund’s purpose is to assist young adults when transitioning out of the foster care program.
According to Mason, “Whatever the quality of the foster family structure and experience, the foster child‘s support system, may become limited or terminates at the legal age of maturity.” Mason continues, “It is my hope that this fund will be able to offer financial support to foster children leaving the system or create educational programs that will help the individual successfully make the transition.”
Mason appreciates the blessing of his own childhood and the emotional, financial, and self-enabling skills he received from his family. He wants to assist those who, through no fault of the own, may not have had the same quality childhood experience. Mason continues, “Forming a partnership with The Community Foundation of the Dan River Region was a no brainer! Their foundation’s experience and their strong personal desire to create the best fund possible were clearly evident. They worked closely with me to clarify my goals for the fund and in choosing the correct type of fund to accomplish those goals.”
Their assistance won’t stop there. Morgan Epstein, Program Officer explains, “The Community Foundation is looking forward to awarding annual grants to agencies who assist in the transition period of those that are aging out of the system and know that this fund will have an impact in our region.”
Debra L. Dodson, Executive Director of The Community Foundation of the Dan River Region adds,”We are so excited to be able to have Mr. Mason establish this fund to assist young adults transitioning out of foster care. The Community Foundation works with over 4,000 donors from nearly all 50 states and manages 140+ different funds – each one representing a special donor’s charitable interest.”
Mason concluded by saying, “It is my hope the Hart Street Fund will continue to grow by the monetary contributions of people who share the same concerns about foster children.” Tax exempt contributions identified for The Hart Street Fund can be sent direct to The Community Foundation, 541 Loyal Street, Danville, VA 24541 or can be made online at www.cfdrr.org.