The Fund for Halifax County Awarded

2007-03-19 11.15.19The Fund for Halifax County has awarded its fourth round of grants, thanks to the work of the Halifax County Advisory Committee. The committee consists of a few prominent members of Halifax County who wish to see the county grow and prosper. After carefully reviewing the applications received, they chose Main Street United Methodist Church – Jane Jones Food Pantry to receive $1,150. The committee also chose to award the South Boston Medical Fund in the amount of $500 to the Halifax County Cancer Association. They presented the checks on January 20 at Halifax County Cancer Association Office.


The Fund for Halifax County is a unique opportunity for citizens, organizations and businesses to help build an endowment to improve and enrich lives in Halifax County. The Community Foundation of the Dan River Region hopes to continue to grow this unrestricted fund to enable more grants to be given in the future. The next cycle of grant applications for The Fund for Halifax County will be taken in August 2016.

Anyone can make donations to The Fund for Halifax County. Checks should be made to The Community Foundation, with the Halifax County Fund specified, and mailed to 541 Loyal Street, Danville, VA 24541. Online gifts can be made through Gifts of stock, life insurance, and personal property can be accepted, as well as will bequests.

For more information on The Fund for Halifax County or establishing a charitable fund of any type, contact the Foundation office at 434-793-0884 or visit the web site


The Community Foundation of the Dan River Region announced today a total of $617,000 in new grants to 49 non-profit community agencies at a reception at the Danville Life Saving Crew Training Center. The Community Foundation was incorporated in 1996 and has already returned more than $18 million in community grants and scholarships.Group Photo







This year’s grants contain $250,000 in funding made available by a grant from the Danville Regional Foundation. A complete listing of the grants awarded from the Danville Regional Foundation’s support is below.

The following grants were approved by The Community Foundation’s Distribution Committee and Board of Directors and awarded from various funds as described below:

Altavista EMS ($11,000) To purchase and put into service a TempusPro patient monitor. It will be placed on an emergency response vehicle to diagnose and treat citizens in need of emergency medical care. (James Russell & Zora Carter Anderson Fund)

Alzheimer’s Association, CWVA ($12,000) To expand the current Dan River Arts Fusion and Memory Care program to provide an increased focus on education and support services to both family and professional caregivers. (James Russell & Zora Carter Anderson Fund)

Arc of Southside ($30,000) To subsidize the employment programs and to assist people with disabilities in obtaining a job in their chosen careers. (Faith Home Endowment Fund)

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Danville Area ($9,000) To provide training opportunities for the mentors, mentees and volunteers through workshops and to support field trips and a back to school picnic. (Faye Carter Fund; Pat & Cathy Daly Fund)

Boys & Girls Clubs of the Danville Area ($20,300) To purchase STEM kits, robotics kits and digital arts mobile labs to support the implementation of the Boys & Girls Clubs of the Danville Area’s STEM program. (James Russell & Zora Carter Anderson Fund; Pat & Cathy Daly Fund; Faye Carter Fund)

Cascade School Community Center ($1,990) To install a canopy on the front of the building to protect the building entrance from inclement weather. (James Russell & Zora Carter Anderson Fund)

Caswell County Family Services ($15,000) To provide victims, and their children, of domestic violence funds to purchase essentials for their homes. (School supplies, clothing, pots and pans, deposit for rent, etc.) (James Russell & Zora Carter Anderson Fund)

Chapter 240, Air Force Association (AFA) ($3,200) To provide “Matching Grant” funding to Danville city and Pittsylvania County K-12 science teachers for science-based (S.T.E.M.) projects. (Gamewood Technology Fund)

City of Danville-Ballou Park Recreation ($10,000) To purchase transportation service from the City of Danville’s Department of Transportation-Mass Transit to and/or from the Fresenius Medical Center (Dialysis Clinic) for Danville City residents that are under the age of 60 that are unable to transport themselves. (James Russell & Zora Carter Anderson Fund)

City of Danville Police Department ($12,800) To replace an aging child fingerprinting system and to revamp the program with new partnerships and offerings to the citizens of the Dan River Region. (James Russell & Zora Carter Anderson Fund)

Danville Area Choral Arts Society ($2,000) To support the Brahms’ Requiem concert through compensation of a music director and accompanist, venue donation, custodian, printed program, and publicity. (Elizabeth (Betty) W. Jefferson Fund; Harry Melton Hood Fund)

Danville Area Humane Society ($1,000) To purchase three computers to support an animal shelter software program. (Herbert Sater Fund)

Danville Concert Association ($3,500) To help offset the cost of bringing “River City Brass” to Danville for a performance in Averett’s Frith Fine Arts Center. (Clarence L. Giles Fund; Herbert Sater Fund)

Danville Family YMCA ($12,000) To scholarship children in the community for YMCA sports programs. (Faith Home Endowment Fund; Daniel Fund)

Danville Museum of Fine Arts & History ($9,500) To provide trained individuals to enhance the visitor’s experience at the museum. (Clarence L. Giles Fund)

Danville Science Center, Inc. ($25,000) To bring traveling exhibits to the Danville Science Center. (Faith Home Endowment Fund)

Danville Symphony Orchestra ($6,000) To provide high quality cultural opportunities through musical performance by a local symphony orchestra and by partnering with other performing arts organizations. (Clarence L. Giles Fund; Daniel Fund; James A. and Anne V. Robertson Fund)

Feeding America Southwest Virginia ($12,000) To support FASWVA’s Food Distribution Program in the Dan River Region. (James Russell & Zora Carter Anderson Fund)

God’s Storehouse ($25,000) To purchase food for their food distribution program and their weekend feeding program, the Malcom Huckabee Backpacks program. (Ahmed Children’s Fund; Daniel Fund; James Russell & Zora Carter Anderson Fund)

Gretna Little Theatre ($2,500) To support the Theatre by purchasing scripts for production, paying required royalties, and purchasing other materials used in staging and/or studying dramas, comedies, and musicals. (Faith Home Endowment Fund; Clarence L. Giles Fund)

Locust Hill United Methodist Church ($3,032) To purchase a 49 cubic foot double door freezer to store frozen items for their food distribution program. (James Russell & Zora Carter Anderson Fund)

Mount Hermon Volunteer Fire & Rescue ($11,000) To furnish and equip the Community Health and Safety Outreach Training Center in order to better educate the volunteer emergency personnel and the community at large. (Faith Home Endowment Fund)

Pelham Community Center, Inc. ($11,000) To purchase a new roof and gutters on the main building and new roofs on the dugouts at the ball field. (Faith Home Endowment Fund; John C. Swanson, Jr. Fund)

Piedmont Community College ($19,500) To purchase a new MakerBot Replicator Z18 3D printer, PLA Filament, Extruders, and other supplies and equipment needed for 3D printing and to send staff for training. (Faith Home Endowment Fund; Buck-Wayland Fund; D. Webster Marshall Fund)

Pittsylvania County Department of Social Services ($25,000) To assist Pittsylvania County Residents with emergency services, such as electric, rent, or heat, during a CRISIS situation. (James Russell & Zora Carter Anderson Fund)

QuickStart Tennis of Central Virginia ($3,000) To purchase kid-sized tennis equipment and curriculum guides for public pre-K, elementary and middle schools in Danville, so they can incorporate tennis into the PE curriculum. (James Russell & Zora Carter Anderson Fund)

Salvation Army of Danville ($7,500) To fund facility updates through lighting and cleaning machines to eliminate unnecessary costs for maintaining the facility. (James Russell & Zora Carter Anderson Fund)

Second Harvest Food Bank of Northwest NC ($9,150) To serve more children each day and allow the Caswell program to offer nutrition education classes to the kids and increase capacity at the program by acquiring cold storage equipment. (Faith Home Endowment Fund)

Southern Area Agency on Aging ($24,000) To provide emergency assistance to individuals 60 years of age and older who are in danger of being displaced from their home. (Clarence L. Giles Fund; Daniel Fund)

SPCA of Pittsylvania County ($6,000) To pay for the costs of spaying and neutering companion animals that are rescued in Pittsylvania County. (James Russell & Zora Carter Anderson Fund; Animal Welfare Fund; Irving H. and Louise Hambrick Scarce Animal Fund)

Yanceyville Volunteer Fire and Rescue ($10,000) To purchase pagers and radios for fire fighter and first responder personnel. (Faith Home Endowment Fund)

YWCA of Central Virginia ($10,000) To support the YWCA Sexual Assault Response Program (SARP) in the Danville area. (Faith Home Endowment Fund)


The following grants were awarded as a result of The Community Foundation’s grantmaking partnership with the Danville Regional Foundation.

Bachelors Hall Volunteer Fire Department ($11,000) To purchase a One Stryker Power-Load cot fastener system and a One Stryker Stair Chair to assist emergency responders while on call.

Brosville Community Volunteer Fire Department Inc. ($6,624) To purchase safety gear for the Fire and EMS members. To equip each of the responders with a Hi-Vis Jacket to provide more visibility and better warmth and comfort.

Climax Volunteer Fire Dept. ($5,000) To partially fund three sets of Personal Protective Equipment to include Structural Firefighter Coats, Structural Firefighter Pants and Structural Firefighter Boots.

Danville Cancer Association ($25,000) To assist the cancer patients in the Pittsylvania/Danville Health District (PDHD) with the cost of their cancer-related prescriptions.

Danville Church-Based Tutorial Program, Inc. ($25,000) To offer more specialized instruction and to enhance instruction through the use of computers and software programs for tutors to utilize with students in self-directed online learning.

Danville Life Saving & First Aid Crew, Inc. ($25,000) To purchase and install a power loading stretcher / retention device and the required Upgrade Kits to retrofit the existing stretchers to the new device.

Danville Speech & Hearing Center ($25,000) To help people who could otherwise not access the treatment their doctor prescribed to improve their health and/or ability to be contributing citizen(s) of the Dan River Region. (Daniel Fund)

Danville-Pittsylvania Community Services ($15,000) To create an opportunity to obtain dentures for high-need, low-income adults with Mental Illness, Substance Abuse, or Co-occurring diagnosis.

Danville-Pittsylvania County Habitat for Humanity ($25,000) To support the construction or rehabilitation of the next Habitat partner home as part of its DCC Neighborhood revitalization project. (Daniel Fund)

Free Clinic of Danville ($9,670) To replace the current patient data system with one that is more appropriate for patient care and operational requirements.

God’s Pit Crew Inc. ($22,000) To increase the quality, consistency and volume of the products that GPC is donating to their Product Partner Recipients. (Pat & Cathy Daly Fund)

Mount Cross Fire and Rescue ($5,630) To purchase portable lighting to make scenes at night safer and to purchase camera systems for the ambulances to have video proof should an incident occur on one of the ambulances.

Northern Pittsylvania County Food Center, Inc. ($20,000) To purchase food items needed by the NPCFC for distribution to those in need in the northern Pittsylvania county area. (Allen Fund)

Providence Fire & Rescue Inc. ($11,000) To replace worn out sets of gear with new NFPA compliant gear.

Reach Out and Read Carolinas ($2,750) To purchase age and developmentally appropriate books and to provide resources in literacy rich waiting areas and quality evaluation at Prospect Hill Community Health Center and Caswell Medical Center.

Ringgold Volunteer Fire and Rescue Department ($10,000) To purchase an up to date AED Defibrillator that will transmit vitals and heart rhythms to the hospital.

Tunstall Fire and Rescue ($11,000) To purchase a brand new FERNO IN X stretcher for one of the transports.

The following grants were also recognized but have been previously awarded from donor advised and designated funds:
P. L. Anderson, Jr. Family Fund
Boys & Girls Clubs of the Danville Area
First Baptist Church
Free Clinic of Danville
The Salvation Army
Autism Education Fund
Averett University
Danville Public Schools – Autism Department
Boys & Girls Clubs Endowment Fund
Boys & Girls Clubs of the Danville Area
Gary A. and Sherry M. Carroll “Good for Youth” Fund
Westover Christian Academy
Christian Charities Fund
God’s Pit Crew
Transitions Pregnancy Center
North Main Baptist Church
James L. Clark and Henrietta Clark Fund
Danville Life Saving Crew and Rescue Squad
Moffett Memorial Baptist Church
Collins ‘Great Outdoor’ Fund
City of Danville
Phillip & Frances Daly Fund
Boys & Girls Clubs of the Danville area
P. Niles Daly, Jr. Fund
Boys & Girls Clubs of the Danville Area
HAVEN Domestic Violence Shelter
Daniel Fund
The Community Foundation
Dan River Inc. Fund
Averett University
Averett University BSN Nursing Student Scholarship Aid
Danville Community College Educational Foundation
Danville Community College Power of One Campaign
Danville Community College Educational Foundation – Baseball Program
Danville Concert Association
Danville Museum of Fine Arts and History
Danville Pittsylvania County Chamber Foundation Golf Tournament
Danville Symphony Orchestra
Free Clinic of Danville
God’s Storehouse
House of Hope
United Way of Danville-Pittsylvania County
Danville Symphony Orchestra Endowment Fund
Danville Symphony Orchestra
Davis Family Fund
Averett University
Bassett Memorial United Methodist Church
Danville Cancer Association
Free Clinic of Danville
Longwood University
Martinsville Cemetery Fund
Mt. Vernon United Methodist Church
Evans Library Fund
Danville Public Library
Gantsoudes Family Fund
Danville Cancer Association
St. Peter’s Greek Orthodox Church
Garden Club of Danville Fund
Garden Club of Danville
Juanita G. “Nita” Grant Fund
Averett University’s Library
First Baptist Church of Danville Endowment Fund
Fund for Halifax County
Main Street United Methodist Church
Bobby Hawker Memorial Fund
Pittsylvania County Community Action, Inc.
Holland Fund
The Salvation Army
Wayles R. Harrison Memorial Fund
Danville Cancer Assoication
Peter and Jo Ann Howard L’Dor V’Dor Fund
Temple Beth Sholom
Hospice Support Services Fund
Danville Cancer Association
Southern Area Agency on Aging
Larry Donald Huskey Memorial Fund
Patrick Henry Boys and Girls Plantation
Piedmont Access to Health Services
Kang-A-Rhue Children’s Cancer Fund
Danville Cancer Association
Keokee Fund
Bonner Middle School
Alexander Heath Light & Mary Nelson Light Mission Fund
Oak Grove Residential Care
Main Street United Methodist Church Fund
God’s Pit Crew
God’s Storehouse
House of Hope
Transitions Pregnancy Solutions
Salvation Army
Marshall Family Fund
Averett University
Boy Scouts
DCC Educational Foundation
Free Clinic of Danville
God’s Storehouse
Grace Design United Methodist Church
Community Foundation Endowment Fund
Herman and Helen Melton Historical Fund
Pittsylvania County Historical Society
Moses & Louise A. Merricks Fund
Mount Cross Volunteer Fire and Rescue
Wayles Harrison Cancer Fund
Audrey Millner Fund
The Community Foundation
Morotock Arts and Culture Fund
Danville Area Choral Arts Society
Danville Concert Association
Danville Museum of Fine Arts and History
Danville Parks & Recreation
Danville Symphony Orchestra
Mt. Hermon Baptist Church Youth Mission Fund
Mt. Hermon Baptist Church
Mary Neil Literacy Fund
Pittsylvania County Literacy Program
B.C. & Annie Lee Owen Fund
Buffalo Baptist Tabernacle
Clarksville Regional Museum
Mecklenburg County Cancer Association
Southside Virginia Community College Nursing Program
Alma Courtney “Sigie” Perkinson Rose Fund
Garden Club of Danville
Virginia Elizabeth “Betsy” Robertson Fund
The Community Foundation
Claudia Vernon Smith Fund
Caswell Friends of the Library
Cora Taylor Younger Smith Fund
American Indian College Fund
Berea College
United Negro College Fund
South Boston Medical Fund
Halifax County Cancer Association
Stendig Family Fund
Temple Beth Sholom
Benjamin M. Sugg Fund
Clover Cemetery
Urban Bible Fund
New Community of Praise
Veterinary Emergency Treatment Fund
Danville Area Humane Society
Veterans Memorial Fund
City of Danville
Wynne’s Fall Fund
Crossroads Christian Counseling
The Community Foundation’s next grant cycle will begin in June for projects to be funded in 2017.