As we approach the end of national #CommunityFNDWeek, discover the latest news from CFDRR here. Discover updates about CFDRR’s 26th year Quality of Life Annual Appeal and the 2022 Donor Appreciation Luncheon, be reminded of important grant cycle deadlines, and read about recent grant awards!
The Community Foundation celebrated many of its donors on November 10, 2022, during its annual Donor Appreciation Luncheon. During the luncheon, the donors awarded Smokestack Theatre Company a $3,000 grant and Pittsylvania Historical Society a $2,000 grant as part of a pop-up giving circle demonstration. A pop-up giving circle is a short, interactive experience that enables a reflective and intentional group to discuss and make a collective gift in a brief period of time. Thank you to all who joined us in celebrating last Thursday!