25 Stories of Impact: Story #7

25 Stories of Impact: Story #7

HAVEN of the Dan River Region, Inc., 2020 CFDRR Competitive Grant Recipient

According to HAVEN: With funds from the CFDRR grant, our agency was able to receive an up-to-date website that is user-friendly and informative.  HAVEN had an outdated website for a long period of time, and it has been beneficial to receive funds to have a site that is professionally created.  The outcome of this project allowed us to present more information about our services, gather donations to help maintain continued services to victims, and to provide awareness information about the dynamics of intimate partner violence.

If you would like to financially support programs such as this, please contact our office to discuss your donation options or donate here.  #cfdrrstoriesofimpact #cfdrrcelebratingtwentyfiveyears

25 Stories of Impact: Story #6

25 Stories of Impact: Story #6

SPCA of Pittsylvania County, 2020 CFDRR Competitive Grant Recipient

According to SPCA: With grant funds we received from CFDRR, we were able to spay 20 dogs for citizens whose dogs had given birth to unwanted litters of puppies, and we were able to provide TNR (trap-neuter-release) services for 100 feral cats living in feral communities cared for by county residents.  It is very gratifying to know that we are giving a better quality of life not only to animals, but also to their caregivers and community as a whole.

If you would like to financially support programs such as this, please contact our office to discuss your donation options or donate here.  #cfdrrstoriesofimpact #cfdrrcelebratingtwentyfiveyears

25 Stories of Impact: Story #5

25 Stories of Impact: Story #5

Caswell Cancer Resource Fund – Caswell Family Medical Center, 2020 CFDRR Competitive Grant Recipient

According to CFMC:  The funds received from CFDRR have been imperative in providing cancer patients with assistance they otherwise would not have received.  Examples of assistance provided to patients include gas cards to help with transportation to appointments, cards to purchase food because their stay for treatment is more than a day, or co-pays so patients can attend their actual appointment.

If you would like to financially support programs such as this, please contact our office to discuss your donation options or donate here.  #cfdrrstoriesofimpact #cfdrrcelebratingtwentyfiveyears