Stories of Impact: Story #3

Boys & Girls Clubs of the Danville Area, 2020 Community Foundation of the Dan River Region Competitive Grant Recipient

“Boys & Girls Clubs of the Danville Area (BGCDA) would not have been able to purchase [the computers] without the reallocation. This reallocation has provided BGCDA to work with students from 7:30 a.m. – 6:00 p.m., currently running virtual school support for members in Danville and Pittsylvania County. Members always have a backup Chromebook or one to use to research. It has also allowed staff to work with members during the “afterschool” programming hours from 2:30 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. on key BGCDA programming areas.”

If you would like to financially support programs such as this, please contact our office. Our staff welcome the opportunity to talk with you regarding your donation options. #cfdrrstoriesofimpact #cfdrrcelebratingtwentyfiveyears

Stories of Impact: Story #2

Danville Life Saving and First Aid Crew, Inc., 2020 Community Foundation of the Dan River Region Competitive Grant Recipient

For many years, The Community Foundation of the Dan River Region has worked with Tommy Pruett, Executive Director of the Danville Life Saving Crew. The Foundation extends our condolences to Tommy’s family, friends, and colleagues at the Danville Life Saving Crew.

“For over 30 years, the Danville Life Saving Crew has provided an Emergency Medivac Heliport for the specific purpose of extending to our local hospital the ability to send patients to an acute care facility that can better serve the patient health care needs in emergent situations. The helipad was deteriorating and had reached the point of being obsolete. The concrete pad had severe cracks and its lighting was now outdated. When the project was completed, operation of our Heliport resumed. We hardly “missed a beat” in providing for air transports. Signage has recently been installed in public view that gives credit to The Community Foundation of the Dan River Region and to SOVAH-Health Danville for making this improvement possible.”

If you would like to financially support programs such as this, please contact our office or visit our website at to discuss your donation options. #cfdrrstoriesofimpact #cfdrrcelebratingtwentyfiveyears

Celebrating 25 Years, Competitive Grant Awards & Stories of Impact!

The Community Foundation is currently celebrating its 25th anniversary! Read more for news and updates, including CFDRR’s 2021 competitive grant cycle awards, new bequests and funds, how to start a fund with CFDRR, and a unique story of impact from one of our grantees!