(Danville, VA) – The Danville/Pittsylvania Academy of Medicine Alliance has begun a scholarship with The Community Foundation of the Dan River Region. The Scholarship will support Danville/Pittsylvania County graduates who are pursuing medical fields of study.
The Danville/Pittsylvania Academy of Medicine Alliance began in 1926 and is the third oldest such alliance in the state. For more than 80 years, they have supported the community but the organization is now dissolving and wants to create a permanent scholarship to continue their good work.
“We are so pleased to accept this fund on behalf of Danville/Pittsylvania Academy of Medicine Alliance,” said Debra L. Dodson, executive director of The Community Foundation. “We were impressed that they recognized the opportunity to build a scholarship to create a lasting legacy to their work.”
Alliance members are seeking additional donations to help them reach the minimum to permanently endow the scholarship. Friends and associates can support the Fund by sending donations to The Community Foundation, c/o the Academy of Medicine Alliance Scholarship, 541 Loyal Street, Danville, VA 24541 or made online at www.cfdrr.org. Scholarship applications will be accepted after the fund has been endowed for one year.
The Community Foundation of the Dan River Region is an independent, public charity established in September 1996 by a steering committee of local civic leaders to gather permanent funds to support our area. The Community Foundation has assets of $36 million and has awarded more than $22 million in grants and scholarships.
While the Foundation works with donors to establish funds to benefit any geographic area, our primary service area is Danville/Pittsylvania County, Virginia and Caswell County, North Carolina. Donations are also being sought to build up resources for South Boston/Halifax County, with consideration being given to other neighboring counties.
For more information on the Danville/Pittsylvania Academy of Medicine Alliance Scholarship or The Community Foundation, contact the Foundation office at 434-793-0884 or visit its web site www.cfdrr.org
Representing the Danville/Pittsylvania Academy of Medicine Alliance, Physician Spouse Support Group “Alliance” are
(l.to r.) Meeti Nigam, Dimpal Patel, and Michaela Kotlaba.