The Community Foundation is celebrating 25 years of impact in our local community!
Caswell County Parish, 2020 Community Foundation of the Dan River Region Competitive Grant Recipient
“Families faced with termination of utility service or who have empty tanks and no funds with which to buy LP gas or oil or kerosene are in crisis, especially in cold weather when it comes down to the possibility of having to leave the home to stay warm and preserve food. The stress level of those coming in for assistance is extremely high and the relief they exhibit when a plan is finally devised and assistance is provided is immense. There are tears and many expressions of gratitude. These are not people who casually check to see what is available. Their backs are against the wall. They are not between a rock and a hard place. They are ON the rock with nowhere else to turn. We are their last resort.”
If you would like to financially support programs such as this, we welcome the opportunity to speak with you about your contribution options! #cfdrrstoriesofimpact #cfdrrcelebratingtwentyfiveyears